Thursday, May 1, 2014

ROBOTS: Upward Falling? A New Generation of Undersea Drones

1 May 2014

If you want to keep an eye on everything, the ocean is a problem.  How do you “watch it?”  It’s really big.  It’s water.  So, it’s hard to put things in it and make them stand still.  Also, watching the ocean is kind of boring.  Over most of the ocean surface, most of the time, nothing much happens.  Then, when you do find out something is “going on” in a particular place, you can go there, but you can’t get there fast enough.

Most of us would just ignore the whole thing and busy ourselves with something else.  But “problems” like the ocean (how to watch all of it all the time) are the meat and potatoes of DARPA strategists.

First, the problem of getting things to say put.  How can you avoid the “ocean issues?” (It’s liquid and wavy.)  If only you could find a solid surface.  But wait.  You can!  The bottom of the ocean.  Go down far enough, and you’ll hit the sea floor.  Then, you need to put something there.  What?   Something that will stay put.  But wait.  That “something” has got to able to “respond” quickly when needed.  So, if you tie it down to the sea floor, it won’t be able to move in an emergency.  If you make it so heavy that the ocean currents won’t be able to move it, it will take more power than you can supply when it has to move in an emergency.


Nail down a “pod” to the sea floor.  Like the natural pod filled with seeds, this pod will be filled with minidrones.  When the need arises, release the drones.  Where will the drones get the power to move to the surface quickly?   Well, no “power” is really necessary.  You just make them buoyant – lighter than water.  So, instead of powering to the surface, they rise automatically – “falling upward.”

The pods are designed to rest on the ocean floor for long, long periods of time waiting to release drones that will not only rise “toward” the surface, working as sea drones, but will also rise to surface and take off into the air – as airborne drones.

Then, what are these drones supposed to do?

The “upward falling” drones would offer “non-lethal assistance.”  That is, these drones would have surveillance capabilities (surveillance sensors) providing intelligence or targeting information.  They could, also, act as decoys and even use their “low-power” lasers to attack.

The “low power” of the lasers and “non-lethal” attack capabilities are significant and intended limitations.  With over 50% of the ocean floor deeper than two and half miles, recovering the pods, once deployed would be difficult.  If the pods contained advanced weaponry or extremely hazardous materials, their dysfunction or deterioration could cause unintended and unwanted damage to ocean-going vessels.

Following DARPA’s guidelines, the success of the "Upward Falling Payloads" (UFP) program requires the development of a system that can do three things:  First, the system must be able to withstand the extreme pressure of the deep sea floors for a period of years.  Second, the system must be reliably triggered by remote control (“standoff command”).   And third, the drones must “fall upward” fast – rise through the water and deliver their payload.

UFP’s first phase began in 2013 with the design of the pods and their deployable drones/capsules.  Also, the design required communication capabilities allowing the pods to communicate among themselves.  DARPA is now taking bids for the final two phases of the Upward Falling Payloads (UFP) program.

The second phase includes the testing and demonstration of the developed prototypes at sea.  In the third and last phase, to be completed by early 2017, the pods and drones will be scattered at full depth and required to work as one system.  The actual testing will probably be done on either side of the Pacific Ocean with some testing in the western Pacific and other tests in the eastern Pacific off the U.S. coast.

Note the emphasis on communication among the pods and their payloads as well as the systematic performance of all the devices as a coordinated group.   Each unit is not intended or designed to operate with complete independence.  Rather, each is part of a system and network of deep sea pods with the ability to communicate with each other to allow multiple pods to coordinate their activities – if and when necessary.

These units have a natural camouflage/stealth.  Their depth will make detection difficult.  In fact, the pods, themselves, will serve out their useful “lives” well below the depth at which manned vehicles can operate.  So no one can or will be dropping by and visiting the pods on a regular basis.

Someday, maybe sooner than we think, the deep ocean floors will be covered with a latticework of pods quietly biding their time until they are needed.

Thursday 1 May 2014


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