Saturday, May 17, 2014

ROBOTS: What is “Cyro – the Robotic Jellyfish”?

15 May 2014

            Funded by the United States Navy, Virginia Tech has developed a “life-like, autonomous” underwater robot.  “Cyro the Jellyfish” is about the size of a human being with a weight of 170 pounds and a length of 5 feet 7 inches.

            Cyro has a waterproof shell attached to eight mechanical arms.  A sheet of pliable silicone is stretched over both the shell and arms.  The sheet flexes as the arms move giving the moving robot the distinct appearance, and apparent movement, of a jellyfish.

            The name “Cyro” is a combination of the first two letters of the species on which this robot’s design is based, Cyanea capillata, plus the first two letters of the word “robot.”   Cy + ro = Cyro.

            In 2012, the first prototype, RoboJelly, was developed.  About the size of man’s hand, this smaller version had about the same dimensions as an actual jellyfish.  But why model an Unmanned Underwater Vehicle, UUV, after a Jellyfish? 


            Biomimicry describes any technology imitating (copied from) nature.  In other words, if you want a drone that works in a particular way, and the best example of such performance is a biological organism, imitation is the shortest distance to the goal.

            And the selection of a jellyfish as a model for this UUV was no accident.  The actual jellyfish, as an organism, seems “designed” to operate with a low metabolic rate allowing it function with remarkably low energy consumption.  Although jellyfish all share certain common traits of physical structure, these creatures come in many different shapes, sizes and colors.  This variety provides a wide selection of “models” for possible design imitation.

            But the desirable qualities of the jellyfish, for technological imitation, go farther than its fuel economy and assortment of “body styles.”  Jellyfish successfully live and function in all the major oceans of the world.  They flourish in warm tropical waters and as well as the colder waters of the arctic.  We’re most familiar with the coastal species, which are, in fact, the most numerous.  But a number of jellyfish species live (and live well) at depths of over four miles beneath the surface of the ocean.

            Virginia Tech Professor of Mechanical Engineering Shashank Priya heads the robotic jellyfish project.  Development is focusing on power consumption with the goal of extending Cyro’s operating time from hours to months. Alex Villanueva, a doctoral student in mechanical engineering, working under Priya, explained that the larger payload capacity will also allow more operating time and longer range. 

            Cyro is Virginia Tech’s contribution under a $5,000,000 grant from the U.S. Naval Undersea Warfare Center of the Office of Naval Research.  The grant is shared with UCLA, Stanford University, Providence College, and the University of Texas. The Navy’s ultimate goal is to develop “self-powering, autonomous machines,” which will operate in the oceans for purposes of surveillance, monitoring ocean currents, mapping the ocean floors and studying undersea life.

Thursday 15 May 2014


[Author’s Note: (trivia) Cyro is patterned after a jellyfish species commonly called the “lions mane.”  This extremely large jellyfish was featured in an original Sherlock Holmes short story, The Adventure of the Lion’s Mane.  But the story exaggerates the toxicity of this species’ sting, which is no more dangerous than the sting of the jellyfish often encountered in coastal waters.]

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